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My Portfolio

"A Reynah in Exile" also known as " Hidden in Plain Site"

This a Short trailer of my AWARD-WINNING SHORT FILM DOCUMENTRY called "A Reynah in Exile" Also "Hidden in Plain Site"

"Shema Israel"

Hear O Israel The Lord Our G-d the Lord is One! #QueenEstherOneDollarFund

Since I am not a Robot I use DBT skills! LOL

Hi I use alot of different coping life skills to help me regulate my challenging feelings and of course my...

My Award Wining Short film documentary

This is a symbolic and allegoric story with many hidden meanings and symbols to tell the story of one of G-ds many Holy daughters and how...

Seasons Greetings!

This is a Holiday video while I was attending some classes at the Berklee Institute of accessible arts education in Boston ma.

Shana Tova! To the Brookline Police and Sergent Bear

A card I made my wonderful Police department in Brookline Ma. and the best Officer there Sergeant Bear and Officer Katie! And the whole...

Logo for my Trademarked brand

I finger painted this and then worked with Berklee College computer Center to add Moveable stars. Check out my website to see the...


All of the Holy Ones Daughters are Royalty #Malka


All of G-ds sons are Kings "Melech" #QueenEstherOneDollarFund


Mekimi means "The One Who lifts me up" in Hebrew #QueenEstherOneDollarFund

A Daughter of Israel

This is my CD cover for my version of the Late Great Songstress and songwriter " Billie Holiday" and her song called " G-d bless the...

Melech "Ari"

This is a piece of Fine Art using AI from one of our many talented arrests we have collaborated with over the years. "Ari" means Lion in...

Praying for Shalom!

All of G-ds Holy Daughters praying for peace and healing for all of Hashems kids in the Middle East. #QueenEstherOneDollarFund

Shabbat Kodesh

Shabbat Kodesh Holy Day of Rest #QueenEstherOneDollarFund

The Malka Esther One Dollar Fund

PSA #QueenEstherOneDollarFund

Nes Kriat Yam Suf

The Miracle of the Spitting of the Sea of Reeds "Nes" means Miracle in Hebrew #QueenEstherOneDollarFund